training tailored to your needs
Discover which bespoke program meets your business or personal leadership development needs.
my bespoke program options

Emerging leaders
The exercises & discussions around the core curriculum assume an introductory level of understanding of the topics.
This program provides a solid foundation for the development of your next generation of leaders.

Women in leadership
Organisations are increasingly recognising the power of gender diversity - and the power in creating a cohort of female leaders who can support each other and have open, relevant conversations around their specific challenges in a safe space. This is what the Women in Leadership Program provides, alongside the core curriculum.

next level leadership
Even leaders with several years of experience will benefit from this program, especially if they have not been afforded the opportunity for formal leadership skill development in the past.
It’s my belief that to be a truly impactful leader, there are four areas which need to be mastered. It’s not enough to just cover one or two skills – what’s needed is a comprehensive, holistic program which delivers implementable tools and practical insights which can be used immediately.
All of my programs are designed to cover these four essential elements of leadership.
Before we can effectively lead others, we need to be able to lead ourselves. That means understanding our strengths and how to leverage them, developing strategies to maintain resilience and taking control of our time so we can ensure our key priorities in work and in life are met.
02 organisation
An understanding of the nature and level of work that needs to take place in organisations to make them effective – and how to get the right people in the right roles – is foundational for all leaders. It allows us to quickly diagnose dysfunction which is rooted in the organisation rather than the individual, and to design our organisations and teams for maximum impact.
03 Behaviours
To create a psychologically safe, high-performance environment, there are some fundamental behaviours which all leaders must learn. The program delivers frameworks, models tips and tools to teach current and aspiring leaders essential skills such as delegation, feedback, making decisions, setting boundaries and building trust.
04 influence
The ability to communicate effectively, with authority, and to drive the outcomes you want- whether one-on-one, in a team or on a stage – is a key differentiator in the leadership space. No matter what your starting point is, this part of the program will equip you with the skills to communicate with confidence in any situation. The program culminates with presentations from all participants, showcasing their new skills and typically reflecting on their leadership successes and goals.
turning learning into action
A unique and critical feature of all the programs is the “Accountability Call”.
Programs are generally run over 6-12 months, with a workshop session each month. At the end of each workshop session, every participant is required to commit to at least one action they will take based on the learnings from that session. Then, at the halfway mark between sessions, we have an accountability call where everyone is asked to describe what they committed to, whether they’ve done it and, if so, how it went.
This means the participants are continually and publicly committing to action and implementation – and have the opportunity to explore how it’s working and receive additional support and feedback.
This ensures continual growth in a fully supported environment.

Let's Transform Your organisation
All of the qualities of an exceptional leader can be learned, practiced and refined.